No Bake Chocolate & Gingernut tart

Sometimes it’s hard to wrap your head around how something can be so tasty, yet so simple. This No-Bake Chocolate Tart personifies this perfectly, and is sure to get your mind and tastebuds in a spin! Working with only 5 ingredients can be challenging, but it also forces culinary creativity which so often leads to flavour discovery — like the realisation that gingernuts make a a quick, easy and downright delicious biscuit base.

  • • 180g + 20g Gingernut Biscuits

    • 50g + 80g Unsalted Butter

    • 170g 55% Milk Chocolate Buttons

    • 170g 75% Dark Chocolate Buttons

    • 240ml + 340ml Double Cream

  • • Blitz all the biscuits until a fine crumb, take out 180g and mix it with 50g melted butter. 

    • Line the bottom of a 23cm fluted tart tin and smooth all over until flat. Refrigerate until solid. 

    • Heat the 80g butter and 240ml double cream until the butter has melted and the mixture is hot, then pour over the chocolate and whisk to make a smooth ganache. Pour mixture over the set base and leave to set in the fridge for an hour or so or until solid. 

    • Whip the 340ml cream until it holds its shape and use to decorate with the top the set tart with the rest of the blitzed gingerbread biscuits.


65% Dark Chocolate Iced Mocha


55% Milk Chocolate Iced Mocha